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A family run school of dance in the Bristol area offering students from 18 months to 180 a chance to gain self-confidence, self-expression and to develop a dance style of their own. We do Ballet, Tap, jazz pop & Free-style, there are also opportunities to go on to perform on stage, in shows and dance festivals, while having non-stop fun! A great way to meet others and dance, dance, dance!
Planning Agents and Architectural services based in Bristol Building Plans,Plans and Elevations with specifications produced for Planning Applications, Building regulations, New build, Loft Conversions and Extensions. 30 years in the industry. free initial consultation.
Locations: Brislington 0117 977 0314
"The Specialist in Quality Building Plastics for the Home & Garden. "
"We have a wealth of experience in helping hundreds of brides to choose the perfect dress to create exactly the look they deserve - be it traditional, modern, demure or alluring." Locations: Weston-super-Mare 01934 642751
Organised stag nights and hen party weekends in the UK.
Self-Assurance, Self-Respect, Self-Defence. Learn effective Martial Arts in a relaxed atmosphere. Training is based around WTF style Taekwondo but not limited to this. Our instructors also have experience of Free-style Kickboxing, Shaolin Wu-Shu, T’ai Chi Chuan, Shotokan Karate and Aikido.
A V BRISTOL is a family run and based Business that can supplier speakers, amplifiers, cables and all other Audio /Visual Hi-Fi needs. As we are a Family run buiness we can offer all types of packages for every budget and all Customers will receive the same level of Customer Service at altera low prices!
Established in 1856 and the largest independent family jeweller in the U.K, with over 100 branches across England and Wales. Specialists in diamonds, jewellery, watches, clocks, gifts and collectibles. Locations: Cribbs Causeway 0117 950 9607
Established in 1946 we supply the North of Bristol with a wide range of plants tools chemicals and other garden products. We also supply a large range of pet products and are agents for greenhouses and sheds
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